When travelers have complete pricing details, they can accurately compare different options and make choices that align with their preferences and budget. This transparency enables travelers to plan more effectively and promotes fair marketplace competition.
Public policy that supports clear and upfront information about the total cost of travel early in the planning process and across all booking and advertising channels encourages competitive pricing practices. There should be a single national standard that will create uniformity and certainty for lodging operators, travel technology companies, and most of all, travelers, who will have a better understanding of what is included in advertised prices.
Travel Tech members’ vital role in the travel and tourism industry empowers consumers, creates a fair and competitive marketplace, fosters accountability, and promotes positive customer experiences.
In February 2023, Travel Tech submitted comments to the Federal Trade Commission in response to its Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (“ANPR”) on deceptive or unfair acts or practices relating to fees.
In July 2023, Travel Tech sent a letter of opposition to the California State Assembly urging legislators to hold off on taking state action to allow the federal legislative and rulemaking processes to create a uniform standard for consumer protection and lodging price display.