
Learn about policymaking and its importance to the travel tech industry/community

We are a non-profit membership organization committed to navigating industry challenges and protecting your interests through our active, informed advocacy, and unparalleled access to actionable resources and powerful connections.

Travel Tech Priority Issues

Empowering Traveler Choice Through the 2023 FAA Reauthorization

Ensuring Price Transparency for Consumers

Improving Airline Refunds for Consumers


Protecting Against Deceptive Reviews and Fake Endorsements

Supporting Aviation Ancillary Fee Transparency

Travel Tech's Position

Technology capabilities are now changing at lightning speed and new groundbreakers are joining the space, to provide greater choice as to where, how and even why we travel.

And so, our position as an Association reflects this forward motion and focus on consumer choice.

  • Consumer Choice & Efficiency

    Travel Tech’s members have created and maintained a marketplace where suppliers must compete for consumers on price and service and consumers can see all of their options in one place. Efficiency is paramount to the consumer shopping experience.

  • Transparency

    Consumers deserve easy access and awareness of all the costs they’re expected to pay when traveling, including any fees or charges for ancillary services.

  • Innovation

    Travel Tech’s members are among the world’s technology leaders. The innovative platforms they have developed benefit all aspects of the travel ecosystem including suppliers, consumers and travel agents around the world.

In The News

Partnering Across the Globe

Worldwide Issues

On international issues we work closely with our sister trade associations, eu travel tech and Asia Travel Technology Industry Association (ATTIA).

eu travel tech